Oils and fats
The vegetable oil and fats division of FR Waring was established in the early 1980’s with a view to sourcing, marketing and distributing a broad range of both bulk edible and inedible oils, fats and derivative products within South Africa and the region.
The brief of this sphere of our business has somewhat changed since it’s beginnings with FR Waring having evolved to become a significant player in both the local and international oils and fats markets.
Our success over the years is largely attributable to the many strategic relationships, alliances and partnerships we have forged with affiliates, crushers, ship owners, surveyors, processors, merchandisers and customers. The FR Waring name has become synonomous with integrity, professionalism, performance and service.
Product Focus

Sunflower oil is produced from oil type sunflower seeds. Sunflower oil is light in taste and appearance.
Contact Us
Int Tel : + 27 (31) 536 3200
Local Tel : (031) 536 3200