About F.R. waring
From 1990 onwards, with the deregulation of the South African agricultural sector, the domestic market opened up again and the focus of the business switched to re-establishing the company as a major domestic player specifically in the grain and oilseed markets at the same time maintaining it’s position in the import market for oils and fats. Leading on from these individual activities, the core business today is the international trade of bulk (vessel loads) of vegetable oils and fats.
FR Waring enjoys an enviable reputation as one of the foremost, independently owned, agritrading enterprises in Southern Africa. The core focus remains the origination and bulk shipment of both crude and refined vegetable oils & fats, as well as by-products, for both the edible and inedible technical markets.
Other related activities include toll crushing of soft seeds in South Africa where the products of soft oils and oil meals are either marketed locally, or exported. Our professionalism and responsiveness in the areas of origination, risk management and supply chain management is valued by our customers and partners in the region, from Mombasa to Cape Town, and most ports in between.
As a strategic investment to capture trading opportunities, The FR Waring Group is invested in shore tanks within the confines of the Port of Nacala, Mozambique through which it trades and exports both soft and palm oils into Northern Mozambique and neighbouring countries including Malawi and Zambia. The port of Nacala is Mozambique’s most northerly situated port on the south side of Baia de Bengo, a large and sheltered bay 60m deep and 800m wide at the entrance. Because of its natural deep water and sheltered position, Nacala has no restrictions on ship movement, or size.
Product Focus

Sunflower oil is produced from oil type sunflower seeds. Sunflower oil is light in taste and appearance.
Contact Us
Int Tel : + 27 (31) 536 3200
Local Tel : (031) 536 3200